Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Week... sumptin, I don't even know anymore

*NOTE - Images other than what are shown below were not uploading. Will attempt again later tonight or tomorrow. Will definitely be worth the wait*

So TOTALLY forgot about this, was busy planning my ah plan for when I graduate... that happens automatically at the end of the year right? I have been doing stuff though... painfully painting the backgrounds. Only to come to the conclusion I think I'll have to jettison the scenes that half of these backgrounds are for.... I swear I am normally quite good at organising stuff and keeping on schedule. Just not when I have to rely on shitty artists (i.e. me). Anyway, other than not being happy as usual, I have been relatively comfortable with my artwork. It's not great by any stretch, but for a hack such as myself, it was a glorious success. I have enjoyed doing a lot of the painting, using 3 shades to give volume has been really good. I think I have learned quite a bit in what works and what doesn't. It was almost fun. Anyway, I'm into hardcore spreadsheets now, what elements still need to be source (some sound effects still a couple of images to finalise) and how it is all going to fit together etc. Feeling ok actually. I Think I have a plan to get the thing finished to a decent standard and get all my other work done so I can graduate so I can get going in the industry. Ah no longer being a student. Bliss. Not that being a student isn't a cake walk. It is. It shouldn't be. But it is. I just suck at it. Looking forward to being in the real world. I suck at that too, but it pays slightly better....

Anyway just so you've got something to look at, here are some of the things I've drawn and painted in the last week or so:

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Australopithecus Afarensis
Homo Habilis
Homo Erectus
Homo Sapein
Superior Homo

General Faghaater

Hello Sailor

Week 9?

Holy disappearing calendar Batman! Yeah so there is not enough time, ther is NEVER enough time. Well there probably was enough time, but I spent most of it bemoaning my inability to draw, and so time went the way of all things, and left me with very little left over. Anyway so I'm meant to have all assets drawn and coloured by the end of this week... ouch.

I think i'm ok, like i said recently I have let go of expecting this to be a great piece and seeing it as only a project, a vehicle to see what I know, what I don't and what I need to. I saw Darren working on his piece in Toonboom, and with my renewed enthusiasm for drawing, or more accuratley my reduced hate of drawing I look forward to doing some actual pose to pose hand drawn animation. But that is likely not going to be this project. It will be something I can mess around with after the course. I just think I have budgeted time and experience on animating with 'puppets' or 'cut-outs' in After Effects, and trying to squeeze in some Toonboom and pose to pose animation now will topple my already rickety production.

Anyway I thought I would post some drawings here to break up the monotonous talking. These are some of the images from the opening 'comic book' intro. Not all the drawings, just some that I thought are the most 'fun'. Enjoy.